Erev Shabbat Service

March 7, 2025    |     7:30pm Place: Contact us for full details.

Our monthly Erev Shabbat service starts at 7:30pm on the first Friday of every month. Service attendees sign in with the guard at the security desk before proceeding to the chapel. Services last about an hour and are lay-led.

Open Forum

March 9, 2025    |     7:00pm Place: Zoom meeting (Contact us for details)

The Open Forum (business meeting) is held monthly to discuss topics relevant to Bet Tikvah (e.g., upcoming events, needs, communications, etc). All are welcome.

Passover Seder

April 18, 2025    |    

Let us join together in the celebration of Passover. We will tell the story of the exodus of the Jews from Egypt and then feast on a Passover meal. At this joyous occasion, we celebrate our freedom as Jews and as individuals.

Place: Contact us for full details.