We have several funds to help us cover the expenses of our congregation. To make a donation to Bet Tikvah, simply complete our Donation Form and send it with your check to Bet Tikvah or use our online donation site to fill out the form and make a payment. .
Here is a description of the Bet Tikvah funds:
- Operating Fund. This fund underwrites services and functions of the congregation. In addition to making an undesignated contribution to this fund, you may also direct your contribution to one of the three specific needs below:
- Memorial Plaque. $25 per plaque. Bet Tikvah has established a memorial board to commemorate the losses of those near to us. Each donation includes a plaque, yearly Yahrtzeit reminders, and memorializing during appropriate services. Temporary plaques are being made, which will be converted to permanent plaques at a later date.
- Free Loan Fund. Bet Tikvah has established a fund to help cover emergency expenses of congregants in need.
- Seder Fund. This fund is to help defray the costs of our Passover Seder.
- Prayerbook Fund. This fund helps to cover the cost for the repair or printing of our suddurim.